What's So Great About Polymer Clay Earrings? Gul Let Me Tell Ya!

What's So Great About Polymer Clay Earrings? Gul Let Me Tell Ya!

I have always loved wearing earrings! My mom always said to never leave the house without them, and that’s why I always have a spare pair with me today (along with lipgloss lol)! I can’t leave home without them, and I feel that they complete any look. Whenever I would buy a new outfit for a party or event, I would have to get new earrings too. I love, love, love big statement earrings, and fashion/costume jewelry would be my go-to. But after while those earrings would break or they would turn and get dull (or even green 😫). I would have to replace them every few months, and then I found polymer clay! I made the first polymer clay earrings that I ever wore, and I never looked back! Here are three reasons polymer clay earrings are awesome:

1. They are durable 💪🏽

Like I mentioned earlier, I enjoyed wearing costume jewelry, but it didn’t last long. I made my first polymer clay earrings in 2020 and still have them! They even still look the same! They have survived continuous wear, makeup, being hauled around in my bag or purse, etc. Once high quality polymer clay is baked, it has the consistency of plastic and is hard to break. Polymer clay jewelry can last for years!

2. They are light weight 🪶

When people see polymer clay earrings, especially large ones, they think that they’re heavy. Polymer clay earrings are some of the lightest earrings you could wear. Depending on the style, you could forget you’re even wearing them! 

3. They are stylish 😍

Polymer clay earrings are gaining popularity and can be worn in various settings. They can be bold, demure, bright, neutral, textured, colored, fun, and/or sophisticated! They can take any outfit to the next level and can go from work chic to brunch ready to a night out with the girls. They can be any color, shape, or size, and the possibilities are endless! Polymer clay earrings provide a great way to express your unique style and showcase your personality!

So those are just a few reasons (of many) why I almost exclusively wear polymer clay earrings. They are awesome! Whether you choose a pair of Ann & Em earrings or another polymer clay earring artist, I encourage you to give them a try! 


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